
E-ISSN No: 2455 - 7218

P-ISSN No: 0019 - 4468

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For nomination / selection for the different awards and medals of the Indian Botanical Society, the following rules were framed / amended in 2012 by the Executive Council and General Body meeting held on 10-12-2012 held at M.S. University, Vadodara. Further additions / amendments made thereafter are also included here providing general information. Specific details are given under the awards and honors / rules at the society’s website.

Note: Nomination / Application Proforma can be downloaded from Societies’ website http://www.indianbotsoc.org

In order to avoid the repetition and rationalize different awards and medals of the society, it was proposed to classify various awards in specific categories. An individual life member is eligible for only one award / medal from one category. The different categories proposed and approved for various medals / awards / certificates / invited lectures are as follows:

Category I : (a) Life Time Achievement Award (b) *Prof HY Mohan Ram Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching and Advancement of Plant Sciences *Introduced by the Executive Council on 25 October 2018 and approved by the GB during Gwalior Conference, this award is instituted by the Society to become effective from 2019.

Category II: Prof. Birbal Sahni Medal, Prof. Panchanan Maheshwari Medal, Prof. Vishwambhar Puri Medal

Category III : Memorial Lectures Awards :- (a) Prof. Umakant Sinha Memorial Lecture / * Prof. Arun Kumar Sharma Memorial Lecture – in alternate years. * Introduced in 2017 by the Executive Council, and approved by GB on 17 Sept 2017 at Patiala Conference, this award is instituted by the Society to become effective from 2019. (b) Prof. G. Panigrahi Memorial Lecture / Prof. LB Kajale Memorial Lecture – in alternate years (c) Prof SN Chaturvedi Memorial Medal Lecture # # To be awarded every year this medal lecture was introduced through Executive Council and approved by the GB on 27 Oct 2018 at the Gwalior Conference for implementation with immediate effect. Selection of the recipient is made by the EC. Venue of the lecture remains at the discretion of the awardee. The recipients of ‘a’ and ‘b’ could be considered keeping in view their eminence and long service to the society.

Category IV : Restricted to age group below 40 years (as on 31st December of the year) (a) Prof. Y.S. Murty Medal

Category V : Restricted to age group below 50 years (as on 31st December of the year) (a) Woman Scientist Medal (b) Woman Botanist Medal (for oral presentation);(c) Prof. Y.S. Murty Memorial Gold Medal (for Morphology and Taxonomy of all plant groups) (d) Prof. S.N. Dixit Gold Medal (for Poster presentation).

Category VI : Restricted to age group below 35 years (as on 31st December of the year) (a) Young Botanist Award (for oral presentation); (b) Prof K.S. Bilgami Gold Medal for poster presentation Notes : The inclusion of second author (supervisor) alongwith the student is allowed, with the condition :- (i) that both authors should be life member, (ii) The supervisor / guide will give the certificate that the work being presented is by done by the student only

Category VII : Prof. P.C. Trivedi medal award for editorial excellence Introduced by the Executive Council on 25 October 2018 and approved by the GB during Gwalior Conference, this award is instituted by the Society, w.e.f. 2019)

Category VIII: Other Awards / Certificates / Cash Prize

A. Certificates of Merit / Medal - for the best paper presented in the different scientific sections* during the All India Botanical Conference. Restriction and Limitations: (i) Presenting author below 30 years of age as on 31st December of the year (supervisor’s name could be included as a Co-author), is eligible; all authors should be the Members of the IBS (ii) A Certificate of Merit is awarded for the best presentation if there are at least three contestants / presentations. However, a Medal (designated in honor of senior botanists given below) is also awarded if recommended by the judges keeping in view the quality of the work presented. There are following 8 Scientific Sections* (and corresponding Medals named in honor of senior botanists): SCIENTIFIC SECTIONS*

1. Mycology, Microbiology, Plant Pathology including Seed Pathology (Medal in honor Prof. O.P. Mall)

2. Cryptogamic Botany (including Fossil Cryptogams) (Medal in honor of Prof Jafar Nizam).

3. Seed Plants including fossils (Phenerogams), Anatomy, Reproductive Biology, Embryology including study of Seed and Fruit. (Medal in honor of Prof Y.S. Murty)

4. Taxonomy of Seed Plants, Floristics including Biodiversity, Economic Botany, Ethnobotany and Pharmacognosy. (Medal in honor of Prof. Y.D. Tiagi)

5. Cell and Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding. (Medal in honor of Prof S.N. Chaturvedi)

6. Ecology, Phytogeography and Environmental Botany. (Medal in honor of Prof. L.P. Mall)

7. Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. (Medal in honor of Prof C.P. Malik)

8. Morphogenesis, Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology. (Medal in honor of Prof H.C. Arya)

B. Prof. S.V.S. Chauhan Gold Medal

This Medal is awarded to a Life Member (below 25 years of age as on 31st December) for the oral presentation in the different scientific sections. Only one selected young presenter from all the 08 sections* is given this Medal award.

C. Cash Prize for publication in JIBS:

Prof . SC Dixit Cash Prize : This award is open to a woman candidates upto the age of 45 years (age to be reckoned on the date of acceptance of the paper), for the best paper published as a single author in the Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, in the given year.

D. Invited Memorial Lectures

The following three memorial lectures are instituted in memory of : (i) Prof . Y.S. Murty, (ii) Prof. Atul R Mehta, (iii) Prof. C.M. Govil. These lectures are organized at different places / botany departments spread all across India. On expression of interest from the prospective hosts, the Executive Council of IBS nominates the Venue for these lectures and identifies the organizing host(s) for the purpose. The host is authorized to invite a distinguished botanist to deliver such memorial lecture.