
E-ISSN No: 2455 - 7218

P-ISSN No: 0019 - 4468

Listed in UGC Care

Incidence of facultative pseudovivipary in tetraploid cytotype of Costus speciosus (Koen. ex. Retz.) Smith


Surochita Basu* and Debasree Lodh


Occurrence of multiple levels of ploidy cytotypes, representing diploid, triploid and tetraploid is quite common in Costus speciosus inhabiting natural populations. However, tetraploid cytotypes are found to predominate. Such prevalence of tetraploids may owe their incidence to ploidy associated plasticity in growth and reproductive features. Notwithstanding the implications of ploidy as a resource for variation and adaptation, our extensive survey of the natural populations in Tripura encountered an instance of pseudo-vivipary in a robust tetraploid that is otherwise a good seed setter. Such pseudo-vivipary could accelerate reproduction as an additional reproductive strategy of facultative asexual propagation in an otherwise sexually reproducing species. The incidence of such pseudo-vivipary is the first report of its kind in Costus. The prospective advantage of this dual reproductive strategy (sexual and asexual) would be of marked adaptive significance for establishment of the Costus tetraploid in challenging environmental conditions.

Pages: 347-352

Doi Number 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00053.5

Keywords Dual reproductive strategy, facultative pseudovivipary, marked adaptive significance, multiple cyto
