
E-ISSN No: 2455 - 7218

P-ISSN No: 0019 - 4468

Listed in UGC Care

Phenome analysis of twelve wild grown seedlings from the forest patches of Dinajpur districts of West Bengal, India with special reference to the family Apocynaceae (sensu stricto)


Ayan Das1, Parasuram Kamilya2 and Abhijit Sarkar3


Seed and seedling morphology of twelve species of Apocynaceae have been studied. Seeds have been collected, characterized and grown in the seedbed of the garden of Botany Department to raise seedlings for comparison with natural ones for authentication. Seedlings have also been collected from the forest floor in appropriate season. Seedlings are characterized following literature of previous workers. From distinctive characters, table and key to the taxa have been made. Numerical value has been considered in tabular form for different seedling traits. Numerical data are used for the preparation of the dendrogram by UPGMA method. Dendrogram has been analyzed supporting the placement of species in Apocynaceae (sensu stricto). ANOVA and regression of different quantitative traits have also been addressed to strengthen the artificial key for identification and to partially justify Apocynaceae sensu stricto.

Pages: 238-245

Doi Number 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00025.0

Keywords Apocynaceae, ANOVA, phenogram, regression, seedling.
