
E-ISSN No: 2455 - 7218

P-ISSN No: 0019 - 4468

Listed in UGC Care

An overview of the Multi-Utility Potential of a Tropical American Herb: Ageratum houstonianum Mill.


Enna Choudhary, 1Navneet and 2Nidhan Singh


The demand for plant-based metabolites, pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetics etc. keeps on increasing day by day. For that purpose, our quest for finding novel uses of plants is never ending. Among a large number of useful species of plants, some are generally overlooked, or underestimated. In this paper, such a species from the genus Ageratum of family Asteraceae is being discussed, which is claimed to have high therapeutic potential to treat various diseases, yet ignored largely as a weed. It is a multipurpose herb with many ethno-medicinal and pharmacological characteristics, with a long history of traditional medicinal use. Extract of young leaves is said to be effective against skin problems, and a study of the literature revealed many other pharmacological activities of this plant. The current review is an attempt to provide pharmacological and biological reports on A. houstonianum.


Doi Number 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00013.4

Keywords Ageratum houstonianum, antimicrobial, medicinal plants, phytoconstituents


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