Addition of five grass species to the state of Telangana
A. Ramakrishna1,3, S. Shankar1, M. Uday Kumar2, B.Kalpana1, B. Sadasivaiah3, A. Madhusudhan Reddy4, Nirmala Baburao1 and T. Pullaiah5
Five species of Poaceae namely Arundinella nervosa, Enteropogon monostachyos, Eulalia phaeothrix, Oryza officinalis and Panicum fischeri collected from Amrabad Tiger Reserve, Telangana and reported here as new additions to the flora of Telangana state. Apart, the detailed description, ecology and distribution information is facilitated here.
Pages: 61-66
Doi Number
https://doi: 10.5958/2455-7218.2022.00014.6
Distribution, Ecology, Endemic, Grass, New records, Poaceae