
E-ISSN No: 2455 - 7218

P-ISSN No: 0019 - 4468

Listed in UGC Care

Karyotype analysis in Asiatic Lilium cultivar Tresor from Maharashtra (India)

Shraddha Deshmukh and Varsha Nathar

Lilium of family liliaceae make up of approximately 110–115 species and many cultivars. It is among the most significant genera in horticulture for the production of cut flowers and pot plants. Asiatic Lilium cultivar Tresor is autotetraploid. The observed number of chromosomes was 2n=4x=48. The formula for the karyotype was 4sm+36st+8t. It was noticed that the karyotype was asymmetrical and belonged to the Stebbins 3A category. In India the karyomorphological investigations is conducted for the first time.

Keywords : Lilium, Asiatic group, Cultivar, Tresor, Karyotype.